Saturday, December 22, 2012


 Everyone has their family traditions. I'm not very good at them. Once my mother passed away, it's been hard to keep up any consistency. 
We have a lot of traditions at work. After working together with some of my colleagues for over 17 years, we have become another family. This year, as is tradition, we had crazy sock day, holiday shirt day, pajama day and crazy hat day, this last week before going on winter break. Last year I made a  beautiful head band of poinsettias, dreidals and gelt but I forgot it in a rush to get to work.

The advantage to having a well stocked art room is that with a little imagination, I could whip up some altered store bought reindeer antlers. Hello "Moshe the Hanukkah Reindeer" antlers! Do you think there's a market for these?
 Some of my traditions revolve around flowers. I have become my mother and tias! One of our local nurseries has had a yearly poinsettia festival. It's an event I can still get the Chick to attend with me.
 Our favorite part is the visit to the greenhouse.
 This is why... A picture with my chick :)
Happy holidays, everyone!


  1. There is sooooo a market for that Hanukkah Reindeer antler! Hurry and patent it!! Nice to see The Chick being photographed- great picture. Love the post, now we're needing videos. ; ) BB2U

  2. the PASCUAS are lovely!!!!!!

  3. I'm terrible at traditions too but would really like to start some. The reindeer ears are great!!! haha I like them :) Happy holidays :D Feliz Navidad!!

  4. Beautiful flowers. Good to see you continue with some traditions. Happy Holidays!

  5. happy holidays :) i love your festive headband, very cute!

  6. I love the pictures and Christmas traditions as well

  7. I love the headband! What a special way to remember your mother than by visiting a greenhouse with your own little one.
