Saturday, October 29, 2011

Weekend Adventures

Every weekend seems to be full of event after event to check out. Last weekend was no exception. Saturday morning started out with a cup of coffee and a visit to the Maricopa County Master Gardeners Plant Sale.

The sale was located at Metro Tech High School in Phoenix. I'd heard lots about it and couldn't wait to find some hidden treasures.

These packets of seeds were tempting.

This was my share of the loot. Plus some 25 cent packages of wildflower seeds. That's an Elephant Food plant on the left and an agave on the right. I love the shape of the Elephant Food leaves and its reddish brown stems. The plant and its name always makes me smile. I spent a total of $3.50 for all my goodies.

It was a short adventure. I was home in a little over and hour. I wandered around my front yard and noticed that the Desert Marigolds next to the Ocotillo had bloomed. I'd transplanted them from other parts of the garden last spring. While they were still alive they didn't put on a show until last week.

Meet Kenny. My beloved Sharkskin Agave. Kenny was named after one of the cartoons the Chicklet used to watch, "Kenny, the Shark." This is a specialty agave with dark blue tips and a sand paperish feel. Like sharkskin... Kennys' sprouted some pups so I play helicopter mom keeping an eye on their growth. I promise not to mow any more babies down in my zest to get rid of weeds. The wounded pup is coming back quite nicely...
I had a visitor stop by. Some of the plants are full of bees along with birds and Hummingbirds. I love watching the Hummingbirds.

Later in the afternoon I made my way to the Grand Avenue Fest. Bragg's Pie Factory hosted a recycled trash fashion show. Been meaning to see it the last few years and finally made it this year.

Want to know what you can do with all those plush, animal Halloween costumes and stuffed animals? Faux roadkill...or your cave woman fantasies come true.

Trash bags were popular but the outfits looked like they were made that same morning. Miss Capri Suns went mod and her sister made use of ribbons and rolls. TP rolls, that is. They rocked. I'm biased... I know the girls and their mom. She made their fashionable ensembles. The purse too. I want one!

The grand finale.

There were creative touches up and down the streets. Talk about cool planters. Have some KFC and some petunias for dessert.


  1. I so admire all the local events you attend..Hope you are doing well, Marissa.

  2. I might be biased too, but the Capri Sun and TP girls sure are adorable!
