Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Out and About

Phoenix... August... 115 degrees today. It's hotter than Hades but the air is dry. It's a relief. The bit of humidity we get makes me miserable. There isn't enough baby powder to keep me from becoming a drenched-in-sweat mess. I hide out indoors, closed in, air conditioner running, YUCK!

Yesterday was the first time in weeks I ventured out and spent some time in the garden. It needs some attention. Grass has grown in unwanted spaces, weeds have settled in. It turns out something has gone haywire with the irrigation and I have to hand water until I can figure out the glitch. Hmmmm... Sometimes being a homeowner/single parent gets old. Things could be so much worse so I count my blessings.

School is into it's second full week. We started on a Wed. which is going to keep me thrown off but I'm not teaching Kindergarteners this year and for that I am blessed. Everything is off to a good start. There's still never enough time in a day but I don't feel behind like I so often do. That must mean I've forgotten something, LOL.I thought I'd share some fun stuff I've come across and haven't posted yet. Books! Aren't these cool?! I've done something similar with magazines but I never though of altering books like this. These were on display at the Phoenix Central Library store this summer.Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh....... Blue beauties!These were/are outside the entrance to the Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach, CA. The wall in the background is painted. Everything is mosaic. I wanted to melt into the the dazzling blues and patterns.Building facade along Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena, CA.Tile on the same building facade.Rust and railing.

Controlled rust. Richard Serra "Elipse" sculptures at LACMA.Ocean rocks. I've seen this same exact shape and pattern in a painting by Jim Waid at the Phoenix Art Museum. Art imitating life and back again.Wading pools by the ocean. Oh, how I miss the proximaty of the Pacific. But i do have the gift of desert sunsets...


1 comment:

  1. That blue vase....!!!! Amazing, so beautiful! And those books are great too. I'm not sure if you remember ever folding Readers Digest to make Santa & angel bodies? Nice post, thanks!
