Saturday, January 29, 2011

Another day...

A day can make a huge difference. I'm almost back to being my 'ole self.

As I blogged last night I sat down and looked through one of the documents I am required to fill out and submit to family court. The judge is asking for a lot of information. About me and my ex-husband...our views on child custody, visitation, finances... That's a lot of scrutiny. I doubt this was anticipated. Interesting...

Yesterday I was reacting in fear but today I have a little more clarity.
That's a relief. I won't be taking anything for granted but this is a much healthier frame of mind.

I was scheduled to teach a professional development class for teachers in our district this morning. Unfortunately, the required number of participants didn't show up. We did have some sharing and brainstorming. It's wonderful to have other art teachers to bounce around ideas with.

We broke up early enough that I could dash across town and make it in time for Jane Eileen's "Scrappy Paper Quilting" class at Frenzy Stamper. Within the first 5 minutes I was there, I got the information that lit the light bulb in my head that had me saying, "so that's the trick!" Woo hoo, we had a lot of fun!

I haven't had a chance to take photos of today's work but I'd like to share some goodies from the last class I took with Jane Eileen.I attended her "Double, Double Journal" workshop. Sewing machine at the ready. Fabric scraps everywhere... We made some gorgeous journals.Half the intrigue with books is the opening them up and discovering the treasures within...Lots of colorful papers. Different sizes, textures...I take classes and get real excited to make more and then I don't. This time I did. I've made about a dozen more books. These books aren't doubled. They're made like regular books. Funny, I didn't photograph the doubled books I have made... Put that on the to do list. I have been enjoying selecting different color combinations. The Chicklet has been asked for her suggestions too. Feel free to suggest some of your favorites!I asked the Chicklet to select the colors for her book. She chose cobalt blues and greens. She scored some pockets in her book too. My niece received a book in purples and teals for her birthday. I forgot to photograph that one before I gave it to her. Oops! Guess I'll have to make another one with those colors.

There's no lack of fabric scraps around here to use to make these. More fun books to make, yea!

1 comment:

  1. Really like the fabric books.
    Really like your better frame of mind, for YOUR sake.
    It is so scarry to be faced with threats concerning loved ones and the outcome is in someone else's hand.
    I am sorry you are having to deal with this.
