Sunday, October 3, 2010

Exciting and Awestruck

The Chicklet was sooooooo excited for her Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony. Her troop was bridging from Jrs. to Cadettes this week. The girls planned their own ceremony with an 80's theme. We watched a few Madonna and Cyndi Lauper videos to refresh our memories on the fashions of the day.The girls are officially cadettes now. Our calendar will start filling up with Girl Scouts activities. For now we're missing a few that take place the weekends that the Chicklet is with her father or in Hebrew school. Thursday was Simcha Torah. Now that one year has come to an end and a new one begins, it's time to begin reading the Torah from the beginning. The Torah was unfurled. We set up a row of table after table to accommodate it's length. The kids made "yads" in Hebrew school. The yads are pointers used for reading the Torah so that hands and the oil from our hands, don't come in contact with the scrolls. We had an opportunity to see the whole of it before rolling it back up to the beginning for the next reading.I can't read a word of Hebrew but this is so beautiful to me. Seeing the scrolls laid out like that was awesome. It was a beautiful experience.

I was going to share a new project but looking at the Torah, nothing competes or can follow this. I'll leave it at this.

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