Boy, I really am behind. September 11th-Tempe Town "Lake." This is what it looks like right now. Last I heard this week, the rubber bladders should be back in place in November. For now the river bed is a puddle...This is why I was at Tempe Beach Park. The display of flags commemorating those lost on 9/11It's a yearly display, this sea of flags. They go on and on. One for each victim of 9/11. This is only the second time I've gone to see them. It must be 6 years when we last went. The Chicklet was much younger and I was engaged. Must be ancient history. I can't remember what being part of a pair is like.The local news was broadcasting from the park that morning. They reported that these boots marked a flag representing a veteran of the armed services.The Teddy bears represented a child lost that day.
This flag represented Asia Cotton, from Washington, DC. She was returning from California after visiting the Channel Islands Sanctuary near Santa Barbara as part of a program funded by the National Geographic Society. She was on American Airlines Flight 77. She was 11 years old.
Something inside of me choked up. The amount of flags was overwhelming but this one brought it home. My Chicklet is 11 years old... Such an unimaginable loss.It was such a beautiful morning. Warm sun but a gentle breeze was blowing. Among the solemn, there was life in the puddle. Birds...these beautiful egrets walking gracefully in the water.
I was there that day, too. I wish I had seen you, but it was very moving, wasn't it? Miss you, M!!