Friday, August 27, 2010

Heard Museum North

The second week of school is ending and I'm home sick with a nasty cold :(

Things have been pretty quiet lately. School has been keeping the Chicklet and I busy. The stickiness of the humid weather keeps us indoors. I know it doesn't compare to other places with high humidity but what we have here saps my energy.

Earlier this month I read about an exhibition of Native American artists books on display at the Heard Museum North. I'd never been there before.I followed the directions on the museum website. It was a long drive taking streets. I jumped on the freeway on the way back. It was much faster!
Dallin Maybee, Northern Arapaho/Seneca-Ink and watercolor on ledger paper

As a satellite to the main museum, this one was much more intimate. The gallery was filled with book after book and beautiful illustrations... Fritz Scholder, Luiseño "Animal" printed by Dan Mayer

I loved these animal prints by Fritz Scholder. He's big here in the Southwest but his paintings haven't captured my interest. Perhaps from over exposure...

I made some sketches of some interesting leather book construction and closures. Then I wandered through the permanent works gallery and the museum store. The museum store was full of interesting works for sale as well as some inspiring techniques.Next stop, the sculpture garden. Mosaic benches and desert flora.Mmmm....mmm.... a big, chunky barrel cactus. This one was around 18" in diameter and almost as high.The ribs were easily 3" deep. Nature's sculpture leaves man made sculpture in the dust.Leaving the museum, the textures and patterns of the wall and walkway caught my attention.
A new exhibition of Native American Dolls is now on display. The Chicklet and I will be visiting soon.

1 comment:

  1. very cool pics from the Heard ... and I hope you are feeling better. Next time, call me and I will go with you. That is up in my neck of the woods.

