Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mesa Adventure

Last week turned out to be "Museum Week." The plan was to gather the Girl Scouts from the Chicklet's troop and enjoy a morning at the Mesa Museum of Natural History. None of the girls could make it, so the Chicket and I went on our own.Of all the museums and galleries in the Valley. We'd never been to this one. It's huge! The museum takes up a whole block in Downtown Mesa.The building has 3-4 levels covering dinosaurs, gems and minerals, Arizona history...Big Foot...Oh, I mean the Chicklet....My turn. The Chicklet has outgrown me in shoe size...This was one surly T. Rex. I guess we had prettier shoes...I thought this was a cool way to display ancient Native American pottery. This was the good stuff. Anasazi, Mimbres...

Our adventure led us to a makeshift mine and one of the original jails. It was creepy, dark... It was nice to make our way outside despite the heat.Time to put the Chicklet to work panning for gold.

We had a lot of fun and wish the rest of the troop could have shared the experience. Hopefully we can give it another try.

While in Mesa, we had on last stop. Our favorite hole-in-the-wall Mexican food place, Mangos. The tacos, horchata and jamaica hit the spot!Looky, looky! The Chicklet was willing to give me a big smile, braces and all. I thought she looked adorable against the green wall. Those ojos verdes...

1 comment:

  1. I agree! She looks adorable. So enjoyed "traveling" along with you at the museum!"
