Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ceramics Studio Tour-Last Stop

We had one last stop scheduled. It worked out great because this was the one studio I was sure I wanted to visit and it was already on our itinerary. Deborah Hodder hosted artists Susan Risis, Esmerelda DeLaney as well as displaying her own work.

While there was work on tables to my right and to my left, my eyes fixated on this totem/sculpture standing straight ahead as we entered the backyard. I'm not sure if I'd seen Susan Risis work before but this one was super fun.
Love those spikes at the top! We arrived in time to catch her demonstration as she created a new mug.
We missed the first part but I'm assuming there was a slab and texture was added before the clay was rolled into a cylinder. Her techniques were familiar but what she did was like getting hit over the head with an anvil a few times over.
The finished piece. I might have swallowed a few flies as she built and attached the handle. So simple and yet, "who would have thunk it?"
Another mug made earlier and set out to dry. Love the curvature of the handle. It has the grace of a tree branch. Made me want to go and get some clay to play with.
Instead we walked on and entered the studio building. Esmerelda DeLaney's pieces greeted us.
So many of these wanted to come home with me...
Clay hearts and fused glass critters.
Deborah Hodder gave a demonstration building with large coils.
These coils were at least an inch in diameter.

Once the coils were blended she began to shape and draw into the clay.
 An example of a finished piece using this technique.
I enjoyed walking through the studio looking at the variety of Deborah's work.

I'm a sucker for textures and patterns so I had to learn the secret of her glazing techniques on these mugs and hearts. I'd like to try something like this with my students.
I came home with a red heart of my own. I could imagine many of these hanging from my trees!

I hope you've enjoyed our tour of the 2012 ceramics studio whirlwind. It's something to look forward to next year. 

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