Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I've Been Holding Out

I must confess. I really had no intention of getting in my car and driving out to LA on Sunday to get me some yummy strips. I had a blind date...

There was quite some anticipation. How do you get ready to meet a creature like this?His passion was obvious. He was quite impressive but there were some obvious red flags. He appears to be one of those stay-at-home types. I need a little bit more adventure...

We parted as friends. We can visit anytime. He just moved to the Phoenix Art Museum from China so I know we could have a picnic or get together to chat. There's so much to share!

While I was at the museum I stopped in to check on some old friends.Deborah Butterfield's "Ponder." He was overlooking a luncheon and listening to the lovely sounds of harps being played below.I checked out Louise Nevelson's sculpture. My 4th graders just finished small assemblages inspired by these works. All that's left is for me to spray paint them. Can't wait. I love transforming junk into art. Better yet, I love to show my students how art can be made from anything.

A good chunk of Sunday afternoon was spent in the museum. There are two fashion themed exhibitions currently on view. Unbelievable clothing. My heart sang but my hands ached to touch the beautiful clothing. I'll share a bit about those exhibitions soon.


1 comment:

  1. Your students are lucky to be taught how to turn anything into art..one day they might use this knowledge to transform their living space into a space of beauty!
