Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Desert Beauty

The end of this month marks 21 years since I moved to Arizona. That's a good chunk of my life. Arizona is in the news quite a bit lately. Not favorably. I tend to agree...This is home now. Little did I know know about monsoons, micro bursts, chollas, agaves, mesquites... and so much more when I first moved here. I did know "Prickley Pears." These are beauties. I had a free afternoon a few Saturdays ago. We've had the mugginess of the monsoon but not the relief of rain. Then the rain finally arrived in Central Phoenix.
I've wanted to visit the Desert Botanical Garden just after a rain and this was my perfect opportunity. By the time I made my way from Scottsdale to the east part of Phoenix, 10 minutes at the most, the sun was already out. I made my way to my favorite plant. The Mountain Aloe in the succulent garden. Hello, friend!Never be afraid to get in close. I never cease to enjoy the sculptural qualities of these plants.Just a touch of red on the toothy edge...Buds! Pods! Eye candy..."X" marks the spot.The saguaro blossoms have given way to the fruit. Every cactus had it's share of snacking birds.

It's been an education that never ends. Speaking of "education," School started this week for the Chicklet. Teachers went back in my district yesteday. I wasn't there.

August brings artist after artist to Phoenix for Art Unraveled. A week long bounty of art workshops. I participated in 6 workshops in the last week that included painting, collage, bookmaking, jewelery, polymer clay work and mosaics. What a blast!

I'll be photographing my projects in the next few days and sharing my projects. The Chicklet is making out like a bandit with some of the big ones destined for her walls. I hope she feels all the love and enthusiasm that went into the work. I had a blast!


1 comment:

  1. This is why I adore photographs! You are the best. I so enjoy finding your perspectives on plants! You can tell I am your cheerleader, can't you? Thanks for sharing!
