Sunday, November 8, 2009

Trading Up is Nice....

Here I am, lagging behind on the blogging again. I started to move my pictures files around to make more room for new pics but didn't finish it up. My files are full which has kept me from downloading everything from the last few weeks off the camera. Had to get off my butt because my memory card is just about full.

Has it been about 4 weeks since "Pool Boy" dumped me? Seems like forever ago...
In the meantime, I had some car repairs to take care of but my schedule didn't work well with my mechanic's. We came up with a creative solution. Since I drive stick shift, it'd be no problem for me to drive his Honda Civic while he drove mine and took the time he needed to work on mine.It wasn't just any Honda Civic but a very tricked out one. Lots of bells and whistles. It was nice to trade up, if only for a day or two. Since it wasn't mine, I wasn't too comfortable driving all over town. I did have some fantasies of flooring it and driving on the freeway... a girl can dream, right? I'm happily driving my own car now. Got the bird bombs washed off too.Fall break has come and gone. I swam a ton. Managed to make it to the pool 5 out of 7 days with no problems swimming a 1/2 mile. Yea! Perked my tan up a bit too.
I think I made it to the Desert Botanical Garden about 4 times. Once for the Fall plant sale, once on a date, once for the Pumpkin Festival and one more time for a Girls Scout event with the Chicklet and friends. Um yes, I did say I went on a "date."

Let's call him "RV Guy" and the timing was a little too sooner than what I would have wanted after the Pool Boy but often enough I'll go one a first date and it's a last date so I figured, what the heck. Turns out Mr. RV Guy and I have hit it off and I've lost count of how many dates we've been on.

I don't pick my dates by their income or car they drive but it's nice to be with someone responsible, mature, and has a career, for starters. Trading up is definitely a plus!On another note, The Chicklet was checking out the Popcorn plant and found we had some little "friends." Caterpillars!!!!!The doggone critters were all over the plant. In all stages of growth too. I found some tongs in the kitchen and went to work picking caterpillars off. Yellow ones, green ones, skinny ones, fat ones.....We did that for a couple of days until we stopped finding them. The plant is coming back to life.

I guess everything comes full circle. We get a little beat up and with a little help, we come back to life...


  1. Yes, indeed--like your closing comment.
    Also like that you have hit it off with RV man or was it RV guy. Regardless, trading up always seems to feel so sweet. Enjoy your week.

  2. So nice to hear! Good for you Marissa

  3. well, well, well... seems like things are happening!? Good for you! TRading up is just what you deserve ;)

  4. RV guy? sounds like we need to have some chick talk ... I need details

