Friday, May 20, 2011

Been Slow Going

I've been beating myself up. Haven't been blogging. Work in the studio has slowed down. I feel busy but what am I doing?

I realized my journal has more empty pages than usual. I haven't been writing there either. Without realizing it, I have been drifting. I've been moving from one thing to another. Getting stressed out in the process and I've sort of lost my way.

It's not one particular thing or another. I'm not in a horrible place. I do feel restless, unsettled, sometimes not comfortable in my own skin. It's a rough time to want to focus.

The school year is almost over. Things don't slow down until the hour after school is over on the last day of school. Then it's about doing all those things that there wasn't time to do...

There have been some accomplishments:The Gal Pals had a Southwest themed card swap. We had to use copper and teal in the design. These cards were gorgeous. Here's my design. I'm falling so much in love with hummingbirds. We get a lot of the real thing in the garden.The Chicklet and I enjoyed some "Rocky and Bullwinkle" cookies made by the swap hostess. There seems to be a love fest for moose in my circle of friends. I found these cookie cutters at Ikea and bought a set for our hostess. She shared some of her yummy cookies with us. Moose antlers and squirrel tails are the best. I'm going to have to buy another set for home. My set has been used for clay...Paper beads. Art was imitating life in the art room. I taught my 4th graders how to make paper beads and I got hooked on making them too. Almost 300 beads later... Now what to make with them?

I'm going to have to visit the chiropractor soon too. The repetitive motion of cutting and rolling is affecting my wrist. The same problem flairs up a few times a year. All for the sake of art making. It's well worth it!

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