Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Pleasure of Spring

I'm here! It's weird... I haven't felt like I've had anything to say. Last week was a mess. If I did have much to say, it was best I kept it close to myself. Our teaching schedule was changed due to AIMS testing. That was workable. Then we find out at the last minute that we're expected to have classes outdoors leading different activities with the students.

Oh my g-d! With a Thursday deadline to have all 2-dimensional art work ready for our yearly exhibit, I was completely stressed. I was fried after one day in the sun. Then it was running around after work with the Chicklet. I wasn't handling the stress well.

A huge stress reliever is coming home and enjoying the garden. Everything is growing and blooming.The popcorn plant has grown so big I had to trim a few branches down. I saw one recently that was well over 5' high. The Chicklet has already reached my height, don't think I'll let the plant beat me too!The Palo Verde is full of buds. In the foreground to the left is a speck of a Desert Marigold. a replacement for the ones that didn't survive.The Ice Plants have exploded in size and color! We replaced another four and they've started to bloom as well. Kenny, the Sharkskin Agave, is holding steady. It's hard to measure his growth but his first offspring was dug up and sent to his new home. We have 4 more Sharkskin "babies" en route.The Chicklet and I love coming home to these. Sometimes we make it before they close, sometimes, not. They're different for the neighborhood and we've gotten some questions and compliments.We set up shop in the carport a few weekends ago. The Chicklet and a fellow Girl Scout came over and we worked on their Clay and Ceramics Badge. They worked on making tiles from clay slabs for one of the activities. We took some cuttings from various plants and trees in the garden and pressed them into the clay. They were fired this week. Can't wait to glaze them in the next week or two.


  1. I love your beautiful yard. How nice it must be to see all the pretties blooming and smiling at you as you drive up to the house. The landscaping is wonderful.

  2. Your yard looks great. Isn't it nice that it is not just in the beginning phases of construction? Nice too that you are all using some of the landscaping from the house that burned.
    Really like the tiles!
    Ah, the trials of an education career-
    I remember them well-
    Hang in there and thankfully you have those pretty flowers to smell!
